Artists in the Discord Server have been diving into the FAQ channel and posting their questions.
So I thought to share some of them with you here.
Q: What's the minimum requirements for creating a Songcard?
A: The minimum is 1 song and 1 piece of artwork. On top of that, artists can pack their Songcard full of any extra material their heart's desire. This content will be available to collectors who own the Songcard.
Q: So when a transaction is made, how much of a cut do you take?
A: We're modelling platforms like Bandcamp. We keep 10% of what we get from Stripe, Apple, or Google then distribute the rest to artists based on sales. Keep in mind that each of those platforms have their own fees, sometimes as high as 30%.
Q: Can a Songcard be edited once it's gone live?
A: As a rule, the featured song and featured artwork can't change after it has been published, but the extra content one offers to those who hold the Songcard can be updated. Songcards can be deleted and unlisted too, so no-one should worry that it's up permanently. Only those who hold the Songcard would still be able to access content.
Q: How do I get paid once a collector purchases one of my Songcards?
Do I need a Stripe account?
A: Songcards collects payments from the payment providers including Stripe for web transactions and Google and Apple for in-app purchases. At this stage we can be flexible as to how we send payments to artists, whether that be Stripe, Paypal, BACS etc. In the future we will likely decide on a standard way to do this.
Q: How do I create an artist account?
A: When you submit your first songcard, it gets reviewed, and when approved we notify you by email and your artist account is created at this point. From there we will keep you posted with developments on our side as well as any sales activity your songcards generate. Subsequent submission gets added to your existing artist account and page. In the future there will be an artist portal to track all of this.
Q: Other than the one audio file and one piece of artwork, what else can be included in a Songcard?
A: Pretty much anything digital for now! Could be exclusive videos, mixes, photos, anything. It’s really cool hearing what ideas artists on the beta come up with, someone is even working on a game!
If you would like to keep up to date with FAQs, post any questions of your own, or get involved in the community, feel free to join the Discord Server.
Great, that answered a lot of our questions. Thank you!